The author offers an abbreviated explanation on how a woman can provoke chivalry from men by the practice of five points of wisdom on her part. This being possible without even a hint of immodesty, or impropriety.
Ladies, do you like the thought of your femininity being recognized by the male of society to the end that chivalry will be practiced toward yourself? Do you treasure the thought that men would greet you in a gentle, respectful and pure manner? How about a door being held open for you as you pass though it? A heavy object carried for you? Your car started for you on a cold winter's day? All of these and more, and with not even a hint of the man wanting to “hit on you” for favors that should not be asked for. This is possible, and I'll give you a few pointers as to how to bring it to pass in your life.
- Realize that the Creator made the man and the woman for two entirely different purposes. The man was created to be a natural living illustration of God Himself. The woman was created to be a natural living illustration of the One that is the object of God's heart, the Church. Study what this means and it will lead to to this basic rule of thumb. Maximize your womanhood in all points and do nothing to minimize any man's manhood, and especially your husband's.
- Give yourself to dressing in a manner that is entirely and distinctfully different then what a man would dress. In other words wear a dress at all times. Not only for the sake of conscience before God because His law commands this, but because it will promote femininity within yourself that you will glory in, and the expression of this will have very positive affects on men. The inborn masculinity of a man instinctively holds every expression of femininity in value.
- Do not cut your hair short, but rather allow it to be long. Allow it to be as the Bible describes, a glory to you. Let it be as a crown of your womanhood, the which the Creator made it to be. In the maximizing of your femininity you will gain the attention and the honor of men.
- Conduct yourself with a quiet spirit. No, I'm not saying for a moment that such a spirit is unintelligent, and weak in any sense. But quietness of spirit is a glory for either man or woman. The man shows this chiefly before God and the authority figures in his life. The woman shows it in general to all men, but especially before her husband or father. It is very hard to bully a spirit that just won't fight back...rather the dominating male ego will seek to raise you up and hold you in value if you will behave quietly toward it.>/li>
- Never forget, and always operate according to the wisdom that the way to gain victory with a man, and especially your man, is the way of surrender. Even as the way for a Christian to gain what he wishes from Christ our Lord is the way of surrender, in like manner it is with the woman to the man. God made man to rule over all things, and he made the woman to help him do this. So, if you'll treat him right you will find he will spend his energy to fight for you, and to grant you what he can of life. But if you counter him then he will be obliged to fight back to defend his ego. That Sweetheart, is the way it is with any man who has any degree of backbone in him.
Darling woman, do these five points of wisdom and you'll find the whole male gender will view you and treat you in a more respectful, tender, patient, gracious, and serving manner. I guarantee it.
A Watchman,
Gregory DeHart
Consider: 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:7-25, Genesis 3:16, Eph. 5:22-32, 1 Tim. 2:8-15, 1 Peter 3:1-7, Duet. 22:5, 1 Cor. 14:33-36,
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