In the book of Ephesians chapter five The Apostle Paul speaks of an eternal mystery that had been hidden from most eyes up until that time. He then, with other early proclaimers of truth worked to make this mystery known and to teach men and women to walk in it. The reality of this mystery was very largely lost during the dark ages right up until the present time, but now the blanket of confusion that grips this generation is being pulled back and the truth revealed and taught as to how to effectively walk out the truths contained in this mystery. Namely, how that Christ and the Church are illustrated in the man-woman relationship, and most precisely in the husband-wife relationship. Let us in this writing focus on one aspect of this mystery which is spoken of in these Bible verses. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
O'Man, Along With Yourself Bathe Your Wife
As the body needs to be bathed, so the souls of both men and women need to be bathed. The body is bathed in water, the soul of man needs to bathed in the Word of God. It is a niave Christian that denies the reality that one needs to often and continually go to the Word of God (the Scripture) and by the leading and conviction of the Holy Spirit allow it's washing of his soul. I will refer to this process as devotions, but whatever you may call it, it is meant to include daily prayer and Bible reading, and Bible meditation, and the fellowship of a godly church. Continuing devotions are needful if the believer is to walk rightly in the Lord. This discipline must never be forsaken. Although the reality of continual devotions needs to be practiced by both man and woman, both sexes regardless of their age need to personally utilize the major components of devotion (prayer, Scripture reading, Scripture memorization and meditation, and godly fellowship) on a continuing regular basis. However, the responsibility of the male head in the home (husband or father) in the “washing of the souls” of himself and his family is superior to that of the other members of his family. In short he is to often, and by often I mean more than just a daily duty to have family devotions. The discipline of washing his family with God's word is a thing that must be developed into a man's character so that he is, so to speak, a “washer”. So that moment by moment, whatever the activity, whatever the goings on in the family, whatever the age level and various involvements of the family members he is there injecting God's wisdom and heart. (God's word, ministered by the Holy Spirit) Yes this must include very frequently bringing his family members, as well as himself, before the Lord in prayer and to the Scripture, but it means more than that. It means that he must be there to speak into their lives and help them understand what the will of God is and how to walk it out in their lives. For with out this being done faithfully their chances of success in walking with God are very greatly diminished, and if neglected by him, (the male head) may lead to extreme if not total loss in regards to his family members.
Imagine for a moment the extreme unpleasantness that would be associated with any human body that is never bathed. Especially any adult human body. We would consider it the most primitive, degrading, and irresponsible thing for any adult person not to bathe himself. For he would begin to stink terribly. This my friend is exactly what happens when the souls of your family members are not faithfully washed in the “water” of God's word, by the Holy Spirit. Sir, whether you are a young single adult man, or a newly married man, or a seasoned married man with children, if you do not see the need for what I am speaking of then you are blind and need to ask the Living God to open your eyes. For if your inability to see this continues it will lead to extreme loss on your part, and a loss of God being honored in your life and family.
As Important As the Washing Of Your Wife and Children's Souls Are, It Must Not Be Done With The Wrong Spirit
The practice of washing your family with God's word needs to be after the manner of the wisdom of the Scriptures as pointedly stated in the book of James 4:13-17. Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, senual, devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. The male head that will ( and must) wash the souls of his family with God's word must do so without strife. There must be a control (meekness of spirit) over himself as he in the spirit of purity, peacefulness, non arrogance, (easy to be entreated) and mercy bathes the souls of those whom God Almighty has given him to be head over in this world. Instruction, rebuke, encouragement, comfort, suething, healing, guidance, enlightenment, these words speak in part of that which by the Holy Spirit the head of the family needs to minister to his own. Just as the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit ministers the same to those that are His own. The Lord Jesus never neglects any man who will avail himself to come before Him in humility, truly seeking Him and His ways, but will come to that man and reveal himself to him, and minister to him, (wash his soul) so that he might do the same for those that are his own.
Those That Are Not Bathed Will Stink
So what happens O' Man if you do not fulfill your responsibility to seek the Lord and then to wash the souls of your own? What will happen? The answer to that is obvious to any thinking person. They (as well as yourself, if you do not seek the Lord as you ought) will begin in issues of the spirit to stink. Yes, even as the body will smell if not bathed, even so the behavior of your self and family will in reference to godliness begin to stink. Now, catch this. If life is easy at the time. Meaning if there are little or few pressures on you and your family then you will likely sin less, and thus the “smell” of sin will be less at such a time. Even as a human body that is not working, and has a comfortable temperature, etc, does not soil as quickly and stinks less. So is the soul of man. But when the family members are brought under pressures then I guarantee you the stinking (sin) will be obvious if the souls of each of the family are not found hidden in, and relying upon the Spirit of God continually.
In what form will this stinking (sin) be manifest? Anger, resentment, unforgiveness, irritableness, every sort of self centered actions, rebellion to authority, dullness of heart to care for what is right, sloppiness in dress, conduct and manners, a lack of sensitivity to what is right and a growing tolerance to what is wicked and foolish, a lack of the warmth of heart, (a coldness of spirit) , a lack of genuine honor of the wife to her husband, being replaced by an indifference. If this is not corrected it will lead to an open dislike and dishonor, which in many cases leads to out right treachery, which leads to divorce. You'll hear name calling and cursing, and telling of evil or off color jokes and stories, etc. These vises, among others are commonly the beginnings of the fruits of the lives of those that do not daily seek the Lord. You father, you husband, are the very gift of God to your family to see to it that your yourself, and your family members are brought continually and often to before the Lord so that both yourself and they have the very best opportunity to avoid the many vises of the soul, that attend those that do not seek the Lord.
Major Avenues Of The Introduction Of Sin Into The Modern Western Family
Can we identify the chief avenues of the introduction of the sin that soils the souls of our American people? I think so, consider with me, for I believe we can identify several major players. Television is one of the very greatest corrupting forces in modern western life. Across the board, according to my view of things, American television is about 95% moral trash. I would say that PBS, the public broadcasting station does extremely better in reference to outright lewdness and moral perversion, but none the less promotes many humanistic (man centered) programs. Such as the many that promote the doctrine of evolutionism. You, O'Man, need to be aware of this. Movies, are likely the second major possible influence for evil. Face it man, we live in a perverse generation, and if you will save yourself and those that are yours, then you will need to guard very closely over what your allow into your home via movies. Radio and music are I suppose the third major intrusion of evil into the home. I suggest Sir that if you are saved, that you consider your tv as “saved”, your radio as “saved”, your movies as “saved.” For I propose to you that when you got saved every element of your life should have been “saved” with you. Therefore, what you allow in your home must be after that same manner. The philosophies of modern education is what I view as the fourth major corruption of godly morals. Why is this? The school system is owned by a government that has become extremely influenced by humanistic agenda. If you set your children, especially your young children in front of people who they will view as learned and wise, then your children will follow the ideas, the practices, and spirit of these people, and if they are not Christian then your children will be taught by them to in effect hate and disobey God. I could say much concerning this, but if one will stop and think it through the extreme obvious danger is apparent.
More Subtle Influences That May Prove Much Closer To Your Heart
Now having mentioned these open threats against the well being of your family's hearts and minds, let me speak of more subtle influences, that I believe I can promise you that you will find much more difficult to deal with. They are the corrupting influences of things that are closer to us, and often more dear to us. One may be your very church. Yes, you heard me right. To the soul that is honest and that looks to God it is quite apparent that we live in a generation where there is much confusion and even outright rebellion in the Church of God toward what is right. A few examples of this. A very great percentage of all that is known to be called Christian allows without any rebuke a woman to dress in the same manner as a man would. This cross dressing is referred to as an abomination in the law of God (Deuteronomy 22:5). The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord they God> I will not take time to go into detail concerning the wisdom behind this commandment, for it can be found in others of my writings, but let it suffice to say that if a woman dresses like a man she will of necessity begin to take on the attributes and the place of a man, and this, with out fail. Another common fundamental transgression of God's law, but similar in nature to that of the adornment issue is that again the greater portion of all that I know to be called Christian in western societies allows the woman to usurp the place of her male head to cast civil and religious votes. This is an obvious transgression against what the Apostle Paul taught to be the law of God as is spoken in 1 Corinthians 11:3: But, I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. I am not naive to the fact that our American nation passed a constitutional amendment in 1920 allowing for the adult female person to cast a civil vote. I am well aware of this. I also am well aware that it stands 100% opposed to God's law. So you decide O'Man if you will obey God or men. You will suffer reproach and difficultly if you follow God, and many are the arms that will accept you if you deny God's word and follow the course of this generation, but in so doing you not only deny God's words, but are working to create a two headed monster in your home. For just like no physical body can have two heads and not be considered a freak of nature, in like manner no home (marriage and family constitute the most most basic social unit, (or body) of people instituted by God) can have two heads and not be a freak, and being thus effect civil war within your marriage. These two corrupting religious influences are mentioned by me in that they are very basic and very wide spread, but there are many diversions to truth found in religion, far to many to mention here. These you will have to identify yourself. Beyond these two common corrupting influences the next potentially harmful influence I will warn you of O'Man is the work environment that your wife goes to each day. I tell you this is to be considered very carefully. For that environment itself washes (affects) her soul, but very often it is polluted water, leaving a film, if not a heavy covering of feministic, humanistic, self centered ideas from her female companions in the work place. Or, perhaps the corrupt influence of some man at the job place who either in an outright or casual manner is “hitting” on her. I warn you O'Man, do not be naïve concerning these, for these influences that I mention are very often REAL, and must be faced. The next influence that I will mention is that of the extended family. Does your extended family follow after your heart-beat for the Lord, and for His truth, or do they undermine what you teach your family? I will not belabor this issue, but will simply leave to your consideration the words of the Lord Jesus from Matthew 12:30, He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. If you have extended family that do not honor the values that you propose to lead your family into and work against you, especially if they purposely work against you, then you need to face up to this and take what ever action is needful to protect your family members. This may be difficult and painful, but to not do it may mean the purposes of God for your family members may be greatly thwarted.
God's Kingdom In One's Heart Is Not Built Over Night
O'Man, as enlightenment comes to you from the Holy Spirit, as God's truth is opened to you and conviction to obey and follow God comes into your heart there is one very basic bit of wisdom I very greatly feel I need to impress upon you. Even, as very likely, the Holy Spirit had to deal with you over a period of time to bring you to the place of understanding and willingness to submit to His leading in regards to various issues, in like manner you will need to extend patience and mercy as you instruct your family and work to bring them along in the convictions of your heart. Yes, it is your responsibility to rule over the affairs of your family bringing them into godliness, but mind you that your hand in dealing with them be after the manner that the Lord Jesus deals with His own. He instructs us and brings conviction to us, and will if we are not obedient to follow His laws bring pressures to us, even very great pressures to us in order to bring us to the place of humble obedience. In like manner you must deal patiently and tenderly with your own, but in the course of time, which only you and the Holy Spirit can rightly determine, your family must follow after the laws of God that you teach and obey yourself. Never, never, insist on any point of wisdom or commandment of God that you yourself do not give yourself to obey. This is madness, and will drive the hearts of your family far from you. Please note my brother. In the end every soul of man must make their own personal decision to surrender to Jesus and follow the ways of God, but if you play the part of the man, as God has intended, your family's success in life and godliness is far more likely.
The application of this wisdom that we have spoken in this article will do much to prove your manhood. If you will allow the Lord to bring you along is this discipline the statue of your own manhood will be continually increased, but along with that your family will be given the chance they need to flourish as Christians in the world. Is this not what you want? Is this not what the Lord our God wants? I believe it is, and I believe you will agree if you are of godly heart. Amen
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