Hey America, Lets talk about ethics, about justice, about judgment to come, about how murder has become common place, and about Yahweh's forgiven.
Having read this article's introduction you understand that an Alaskan woman was found guilty of abandoning her infant in a closet in her parent's home, causing the death of the infant. There it's dead body was found rotting some weeks afterward. A pretty gruesome thing to do eh? Yeah, sounds like something out of a horror story, or maybe you might say it sounds like something straight out of the pit of hell! A mother, abandoning the infant that came forth from her own body, and that was meant by the creator to be nourished at her breasts and cradled in her arms. This mother placed her child in a closet where it was left to misery and death, out of the immediate detection of anyone who could have acted to save it's life, before which she had wrapped it in a plastic bag to enclose the smell of the unavoidable decomposition that her child's body would experience.
A story like this prompts a sane mind to ask a few questions. First of all, how it is that a mother could care so little about her child's life? After that, this question comes to mind. How could she think she could ever get away with it, for sooner or later the remains of the child's body would have to be found? It could not be hidden forever in her parent's spare bedroom closet. Then this question comes to mind. Didn't she think that there would be some sort of punishment for such an action?” Although these are all basic questions that arise in such a story I am not sure we can answer them here and now, and besides that, these questions are offered by this article's author to cause us to focus on an evil much greater in scope than that of the woman against her child.
Yes, the woman's actions constitute a cruel and unnatural act of murder. An action perpetrated by the every person that should be a young child's greatest friend and ally in the world. Perpetrated by the very person who was the instrument used by the creator to conceive the life of this child, and then after carrying it's developing person within her womb was enabled by God to deliver the child in the world. Should not this mother, above all people have pity, and a heart full of mercy toward the child of her womb? Yes, something in her heart was obviously very wrong, for it is from the heart that sin proceeds. Which sin includes murder.
America, mother's from among your populace have now “legally” murdered well over 40,000,000 (40 million) of their children by the empowerment of the United States Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade decision in1973. The act of this woman from Alaska is undoubtedly barbaric in nature, but at least she did not seek to change the law of the land to accomplish her murder. Why did the mothers of these aborted children have no heart? Why did the medical personnel who snuffed their lives out have no heart? Why has our Supreme Court not opened their heart to aide and protect these innocents that have been butchered by the millions? Why as the American Civil Liberties Union not fought for the right of these individuals to live, but rather they (the ACLU) have fought to promote the destruction of these innocents.
It would appear that the ethics of this nation are far from pure, in fact they have every appearance of being barbaric. Much like the barbaric nature of Hitler's Germany.
The woman received a twenty year prison sentence. Some would say that this sentence is to lenient, other would say it is to harsh. What does the Bible say? Scripture answers this type of situation very clearly and in very simple terms, but admittedly we view our selves as far to “wise and humane” to execute the Biblically prescribed punishment for such sin. (Genesis 9:6KJV) Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man. Pretty straight forward words. Words whose meaning any honest heart can understand, which boil down to capital punishment.
It would seem to me, as I think it would to any rational-honest thinker, that if on one hand we call murder as murder, (such as was done in the case of the woman in this story) then we should call it murder on the other hand. Which is then to say that the murderous deaths of all these innocents whose lives have been snuffed out by abortion by rights out to be accounted for. Now, that is no small element of accounting.
Judgment to come
Our American fathers by the wisdom of their faith (by the way America, in case you have not figured it out, those without faith reason altogether differently then those that live by faith) realized that without law there can be no liberty. For the lack of restraint of law in the actions of one violates the right of the pursuance of life-liberty-and the desire of happiness (fulfillment) in another's life. Therefore, from the beginning, the practice of this nation was meant to be that civil judgment be administered against all law breakers in a quick and expedient manner. So that the innocent among us could have a fair chance at a full life, not suffering by either oppression or death from another. It is very obvious to any thinking person that this judgment has in a very great degree departed from America. We have become a land where crime often has a very small price tag attached to it, and whose punishment can be a very long time in coming.
America, did you think you could hide the sin of abortion from the judge of the earth? It has appeared that you have thought you could hide your sin in the “closet” of the Supreme Court referring to it as “legal”. I say to you America, that you have been found out. The word is out. Your sin is completely apparent before not only God our creator, but before all honest men and women everywhere. Do not allow yourself to be fooled. Whatever a man sows he will later reap. If the powers that are in place in this present time are confused and polluted and will not execute judgment, then rest assured there in One in Heaven who will bring you to judgment. This judge stands completely impartial, and from a point of view that possesses all insight and wisdom, and will judge without mercy every action of every person. These next excepts from the Holy Scripture describe this judgment. (Romans 2:5-11) But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.----Who will render to every man according to his deeds.---To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life;---But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,---Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and the Gentile:---For there is no respect of persons with God.
Murder has become common place
So tell me America, how can it be right to impose a 20 year prison sentence on this woman when at the same time it is “legal” and held as “prudent” and “ethical” by our very own president, very many of our civil leaders all across this land, very many of our religious leaders all across the country, and by the very highest court in our land to in no less a brutal manner murder children by the process of abortion? Our Supreme Court, which is meant to be comprised of men (and women now a days) of learning and justice, who are supposed to be, beyond all others, able to interpret the actions of our nation in order to maintain the rule of law in our land, how is it that they do not see the insanity of abortion for the murder it is? How can it be that before the point of birth we can murder our children, and even at the point of birth we can murder them, but we can not murder them after they have lived a few weeks time after being born, as is the case of this Alaskan woman whose story I have mentioned? Tell me America. Tell me, how can this be so? Tell me, what is the difference between the life of the child not yet born, or very newly born, then the life of the child who has lived as a birthed individual for a few weeks time? I must admit the difference can not be found in my perception of things. Apparently my mind has been proven to simple and naïve to be able to grasp what must be the complex and higher reasoning that is used by many to justify the actions that have now resulted in the death of 40 million plus individuals since the passing of Roe vs. Wade.
Yahweh's forgiveness
I have good news for some. It is meant for all people, but I fully realize that many will never take it to themselves. This news is that God is to be found in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. That means in simple terms that there is forgiveness of sin in Christ Jesus. That a holy God, who is absolutely apposed to any and all sin, and in who's presence sin can never abide, has in His great love and mercy provided a way for the forgiveness for any man who will answer the conviction of the Holy Spirit's dealing in his heart, and confess his sin before God, and turn from his sins, clinging by faith to Jesus as the payment for his sins. Any soul of man, no matter how vile he or she has been can be forgiven and find in Christ the Lord a total and complete clear conscience. Thus, resulting in joy and peace that is beyond expression. Amen! There is no one in all the universe other then Jesus who can do this for us! The remission of sin is offered in His name alone.
This forgiveness is for the woman who murdered her child. It is for the abortionists who have murdered the 40 million plus innocents since Roe vs. Wade. It is for the mothers who in their confusion and self-centered desires gave their children over to destruction. It is for our presidents, and our civil leaders, and for our religious leaders who in the blindness of their hearts have voted for the murder of these innocents. It is for you America, it is for all of us who have stood and watched it happen and not spoken a word or lifted a finger to stop it. This forgiveness is for all who have not even bothered to pray for the murder to cease and justice to be served. Yes, this forgiveness is for all who being convicted of their vile state will call upon the name of the Lord, confessing their wrong, and turning from their wickedness. This forgiveness is found in Jesus, and in no other.
A Watchman
Consider: Exodus 20:13, Rev. 21:8, Mk. 7:21, Rev. 20:1-15, Rm. 3:23, Rm. 3:26, Rm. 6:23, Eph. 2:8-9
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