There is a confusion in the world that teaches that the Law (Torah) is void in this dispensation of time, and has no affect upon the Christian believer. This is a lie, it is confusion, and according to the degree that such a thought pattern is accepted by a believer is the degree of evil affect that it produces in that person's life.
First, lets establish that in the same manner that Yahweh is Love, He is also Law. We know that John, an apostle of the first century Church coined the phrase which is found in the Scripture: “God is Love”. (1 John 4:16) From this love springs the mercy and grace that supplies salvation to all who believe, and in that belief call upon the name of Jesus whom God has appointed the Savior of the world. But just as a coin has two faces and neither of its faces are any more real or lasting then the other you many say that the character of God is not only love, but also law.
What is the character of law? It is that aspect of Yahweh that is just, and judges sin. It is that aspect of Him that is holy, that is completely separate from sin and sinner. It is that part of Him that says in a completely compromising way, “This is the way walk in it”....or “Thus saith the Lord”, and then the commandment is given. It is the part of Him that says, “Thou shalt, and thou shalt not”, and every disobedience to these commands demanding punishment. For He is holy, and an unclean thing can not abide in His presence. He is truth as is indicated by the words of Jesus in John 8:14, “...I am the way the truth and the life....”,and when connected with the wisdom of the psalmist one finds that God's law is referred to as truth. (Ps. 119:142 NKJV) Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Your law is truth. (Ps. 119:151NKJV) You are near oh Lord, and all Your commandments are truth. So the conclusion is simple. To put God's law on the self and consider it void, or to consider it with out purpose is to put God Himself on a shelf and consider Him void and without purpose.
Some take the Apostle's Paul's remark in the Colossians 2:13-14 as proof, or indication that Christ did away with the Law at the Cross. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us, and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. (NKJV) I say to you that it is impossible for Christ to have done away with the law, “nailing it to the tree”. For to do that He would have had to have taken Yahweh Himself and nailed Him to the cross for the interpretation of this scripture to be that God's law was taken away and nailed to the cross. I suggest, what was nailed to the cross was our offenses, or violations of God's laws, (our sin) not the Law itself. Further, we see in Romans 3:31 that Paul communicates openly that the purpose of the Christian faith is not to make the law of God void, but to establish it. Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary we establish the law. (NKJV)
There you have it! In clear and certain terms the proof that God's law is not void, but is in place, and that God Himself is law. So what did the Apostle Paul mean when he said that we are not under the law but under grace? I believe he meant that the grace of God which is found in Christ, serves as a filter that stands between a holy God, (whose absolute righteousness demands complete and unmerciful judgment of sin), and all sinners. This grace is a loving God's way of dealing with a very imperfect creation. Allowing us time and empowerment to respond to Him and put on Christ, which means that those who are in Christ choose to learn His ways and flesh them out. Thus righteousness is produced in the actions of our lives. This process is summed up in this equation which is seen in John 1:17, For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (NKJV) Law + grace = truth in the believer's life. Truth being the right and lawful expression of life that is meant by God for the believer to live. The lifestyle that reflects the person of the Lord Jesus, who is the embodiment of law, and grace,(and its accompanying mercy) and truth.
Having said these things I wish now to list a set of commandments and speak of the meaning of these commandments. For they have meaning behind them. There is a “why” behind each. For a wise God never gives a commandment without a reason. Like unto a parent who will commanded his child to either do, or not do any given thing. The parent may or may not give an explanation as to the reasoning behind the commandment, but there is one there. In like manner the eternal and wise Creator has reason behind all of His law. But to start off, lets first consider an extremely common posting of law that is found in the world. That of a stop sign.
When one pulls up to a stop sign what is it that is being communicated to the person? Undoubtedly the obvious communication is that the person must stop. But why? Nothing is said on the sign as to why the person must stop. This is taken as a thing that is understood by the driver, or if the driver is unable to understand the reasoning behind the command to stop then that driver is not supposed to be driving. The reason for the command is for the driver to stop in order that he can look both ways and thus respond to the traffic that may or may not be present on the road that day. Thus the actual commandment only has value because it allows for the more important reasoning behind it, which is to slow down sufficiently to consider the traffic on the road way, and then act accordingly.
God's laws are like this. The value of them is in the reasoning behind them, and this reasoning goes beyond the immediate sphere of men. Each of these laws have not only an earthly need for fulfillment, meaning they are needed to properly direct the affairs of man on the earth for his immediate good and protection, but also they represent heavenly and eternal realities at the same time. The following are a listing of various commandments of God and brief explanation of the heavenly realities that they reflect. Therein, offering the most extreme reason for obedience to them. For to violate them is to directly slander, or stand in rebellion toward the One who designed the commandments, to not only conduct the actions of men's lives for their immediate good, but to bring forth the true testimony of Heavenly and eternal realities.
In that Yahweh created the man as a living mortal illustration of Himself, and the woman as a living mortal illustration of the Church, and caused that they would come together in marriage, the act of divorce has far greater ramifications then the effects of the dissolutionment of the marriage and family, as extremely horrible as that it. For divorce is a horrendous thing, which often brings extreme damage and pain to the family members involved. Yet the slanderous testimony of heavenly things that is brought forth is the chief reason divorce is hated of God. Marriage was created by God to represent His relationship to the believer. (1 Cor. 6:17) When one comes to the salvation of Jesus, God becomes the husband of their spirit. In that the man and the woman were created to illustrate in their person, both God and the Church, the act of unlawful divorce gives the signal that God will, or may, divorce believers, or that the believer is permitted to divorce the Lord. Our God is completely faithful and He will never divorce any soul of man until that soul has been proven unfaithful to him and will not turn from that unfaithfulness, (in other words such a one has thrown away his faith) and any soul of man that divorces the Lord will find themselves without a savior, and henceforth be destined to the Lake of Fire.
Again, the Creator designed and created mankind, both male and female, both man and woman to illustrate heavenly realities. The relationship of marriage was designed and the laws pertaining to it are to insure that the obedient will be able to live the fullest, happiest, and safest life possible while in this present life. However, more importantly these same laws are designed so that through obedience to them the full and proper testimony of Heavenly realties are brought forth. When the man, who is a living mortal illustration of God commits adultery with a woman, who is the living illustration of the Church or individual believer, this act is giving the picture that God will be untrue to the relationship of trust and commitment to a soul of man who has become a marriage partner (for again, every soul of man that experiences the salvation of Jesus receives the Lord as the husband of their spirit) The woman who commits adultery by her actions gives the picture of a believer leaving the Lord to enact intimacy with another god. This is idolatry. These pictures are completely untrue. They are slanderous testimonies of the Lord and His dealings with a redeemed soul, and the proper dealing of a redeemed soul with the Savior.
This act is similar to that of adultery. When a man and a woman fornicate it means that they participate in the act of marriage without entering into the covenant of marriage. Thus they by their action are testifying (again, in that they were created as representations of both the Lord and the believer) that God and a soul of man will enjoy the intimacy of marriage without first entering a covenant relationship. In other words, that an unconverted soul who has not experienced the regeneration of the Holy spirit, who is not born again can share intimacy with the Lord. This is an impossibility! Such action is a lie against the truth! The Holy Spirit will not enter and abide with any soul of of man and share communion with that person until that soul has been brought under the blood of Christ and has experienced regeneration. God will not dwell in an unholy place. So the heavenly illustration that fornication brings forth is that of God being married to (sharing intimacy with) a soul of man who is not His, and the woman's part illustrates a soul of man sharing intimacy with God without entering a covenant relationship, without being born again. These pictures are impossible and are altogether slanderous to the truth.
Child Rebellion:
Going beyond marriage is the obvious eventuality of parenthood. For just as the intimacy of the Lord to the Church will bring forth new believers, so it is that the intimacy of marriage, (the act of marriage) will bring forth children. So the relationship, and the laws that govern the relationship between parents and children are illustrative of the relationship that the Heavenly Father has to His own. The Father of every soul made perfect is God Himself, the mother is the Church. The seed of God (His word) sown into the Church (by means of evangelism of the unconverted) brings forth new children to God. When a child acts in disobedience or rebellion to his or her parents it is giving the picture of a child of God acting in disobedience and rebellion to the Lord Himself, and to the Church. Therefore any act or spirit of disobedience of a child to his parent is slanderous to the greater truth that marriage and family are to illustrate in the world. This is why in the Law a rebellious child who will not turn from his rebellion is commanded to be brought forth and stoned to death. For such rebellion can contaminate a society with its poison, and beyond that it is absolute slanderous picture of what the true relationship of Believer to the Lord is to be.
Sabbath Breaking:
The keeping of the Sabbath through much confusion and undoubtedly certain rebellion is by many in this generation neglected. This law was designed by God to cause the seventh day to represent Heavenly and eternal things. The Sabbath day is a banner if you will, that is to be “waved” every seventh day that testifies that God is both the creator and the redeemer of men. And if He is the creator of men, then He is henceforth the master of men. And if He is the redeemer of men, then it is in His name alone that salvation can be preached. The name of Jesus. So to not practice the Sabbath is to give the testimony that you do not believe that Yahweh is the Creator and the redeemer of men. This testimony is a lie. It is a slanderous testimony concerning God our Creator.
Cross Dressing:
The law of God commands that the sexes be adorned distinctively different, the one from the other. This law is found in Deuteronomy 22:5. It is said in this same reading that any man who dresses like a woman, or any woman who dresses like a man is an abomination to the Lord. I myself in blindness and unbelief lived in violation of this commandment until I was 42 years of age. That means I was a Christian with an active testimony for 28 years before the Holy One brought me to the place where I could see His law and be convicted of my sin. The spirit of what is called feminism, which is the disruption or deterioration of Divine Order, (the order of authority:God-Christ-Man-woman) is extremely prevalent in the world and I might add in the church. Satan wishing to corrupt the truth of God has sown much confusion into the world, teaching men that in reference to headship the woman is equal to the man, thus denying and corrupting God's order. Again remember that the Creator created the human person illustrative of both Himself and His the chief object of His love: the church or individual Believer. The man represents God Himself, the woman represents the Church or individual Believer. Therefore when a woman dresses like a man she is saying by her practice that she is the same as, or equal to a man, which is saying that a believer is the same as, or equal to the Lord. This testimony is slanderous and therefore detestable to God. Therefore cross dressing, or the mixing of adornment is slanderous to God, and therefore an abomination. For remember that clothes have three basic purposes: 1--To protect from the elements. 2--To protect modesty, for all human persons are sexually oriented, therefore the covering of the body is of absolute necessity. 3—Clothes are illustrative. They by their nature are designed to give illustration pertaining to the one that wears them. Even as a police office is known by his uniform, or a soldier by his, or a white color worker by his. In like manner a woman's adornment much signal that she is NOT a male, but female.
Feminism or The Disruption Of Divine Order:
The laws of God that demand the keeping of Divine Order have already been mentioned, but the extreme necessity of the understanding and the obedience to these bears out that they have their own listing and discussion. God's law demands that authority be exercised in this order: God-Christ-Man-Woman. Not only is this the only order that works among men and that can bring forth life and happiness, but it is the only order that reflects Heavenly realities properly. God is the creator and henceforth the master of all things. He has chosen the man Christ Jesus, who is His physical son to be heir over all things, hence Christ is second in the line of authority. Yahweh made the male person who grows to manhood to be the first representation of Himself, man was made in God's image, henceforth, man is next in authority. The woman was created from the rib of the man and henceforth made after the image of the man, and in that process became the very glory of the man, and henceforth is after the man in reference to authority. These things are of God, and to reverse the order of authority between the man and the woman is not only to disrupt life among men on this earth but it is also to bring forth a slanderous testimony of Heavenly and eternal realities. The which action will come under very severe judgment from Yahweh who created our lives to testify of His truth.
The word America is repent! For you have become a nation steeped in the wisdom of men, but very confused and negligent in regards to God's laws. Flush the worthless and confused preachers and educators that teach for doctrine the wisdom (man's misguided intelligence that refuses to acknowledge Yahweh and His laws) of men. He made man as the highest of all his creation, to live in the honor of knowing Him and His ways, thus by their lifestyle reflecting His truth in the world. He did not create man to wallow in the mire of the immorality that springs forth from the supposed wisdom of men. For the wisdom of men without the fear of God is at best foolishness.
A Watchman
Consider: Genesis 2:1-25, Malachi 2:16, Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19: 3-12, Mark 10: 2-12, 1 Corinthians 6:17, Ephesians 5: 22-33, Exodus 20:14, Exodus 20:14, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 5:3, Colossians 3:5, Jude, verse 7,
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