When one pulls up to a stop sign what is it that the sign is signaling to the person? The obvious communication is that the person needs to stop. But why? The sign says stop, but it does not say why to stop. This reasoning is supposed to be understood by a person if they are able to drive. The reason for the posted law (the stop sign) is for the driver to stop in order that he can look both ways and thus respond to the traffic that may or may not be present on the road that day. Thus the stop sign's actual value isn't so much in the person stopping, as it is in the driver slowing down sufficiently (stopping) so that the person can consider the traffic on the road way and act accordingly.
God's laws pertaining to Headship, or what many refer to as Divine Order, (of which wearing a head covering is a part of) are like this. The greatest importance of them is in the reasoning behind them. This reasoning goes beyond the most basic question asked by nearly all of us when first introduced to this concept, which is, “What's so important about a woman wearing a piece of cloth on her head, it's only a piece of cloth?” The next basic question asked by many when they begin to catch on that there might be true reasoning behind the practice is, “So what does the head covering represent, and if a woman adorns herself with a head covering, what affect will the faithful practice of wearing a head covering in public prayer and prophesying (the expression of the testimony of Jesus that is prompted by the Holy Spirit) have in the church and society around her?” To these two questions I will add a third, and I believe it is the most important question of the three, “So what does the obedience to this practice represent in regards to heavenly and eternal realities, the which all men and women were designed to reflect by their living?
Question Number One: Does the covering itself have any value?
There is no particular importance to the cloth, or veil, or whatever it is that a woman might wear as a head covering in itself. In itself it is only a piece of fabric. The importance is completely in what it represents. However, it would be my encouragement that the covering be an attractive article, for what good purpose would any woman have in adorning herself with something that is unattractive?
Question Number Two: In brief terms, what does the head covering represent in regards to how it affects the world around the one who wears it?
This is a very good question if asked from an honest heart. The head covering is simply a symbol of realities that exist in the world of men and women, and of realities that exist in the heavenlies. We will with this question seek to answer what the covering is to represent in regards to the world of men in which all of us are a part of. In the beginning Yahweh created all things. Obviously the human race was a part of that, and He made two styles of the human person: the male and the female. The first two were created as adult persons, and brought together as a husband and a wife. All others from that point have been created by the same God but through the process of couples coming together in the act of marriage, (sex) the conception of children, and then the birth of children. The reasoning for this is that Yahweh purposed to use His creation (the male and female, or husband and wife) to be an example of heavenly realities, and the reproduction of our own plays apart of the illustrating of heavenly realities that Yahweh wished to be pictured. For the man was created as a direct representation (image) of God Himself. The woman was created as an indirect representation of God. This is shown by the fact that Yahweh took a rib from the first man, whose name was Adam, and who then transformed the rib into the first female person. An adult woman whom Adam named Eve. So we have it from the first day of the existence of woman that she came forth from the man and was presented to the man, and was named by the man. Therefore it has been from the beginning that the man is firstly to be submitted to Yahweh Himself, for he came directly from Yahweh's hand. The woman is to be submitted directly to the man, for from a man she was created. (she was created from his rib, and reason tells all honest men that that which comes forth from another is lesser than that which it came forth from) Therefore, it has been the natural practice of men from the beginning and echoed by the very law of God itself that women are in general to be submitted to men in general, thus comes forth elder ship rule. And that, in particular terms a woman is to be submitted to her father while she is a virgin, (unmarried) and her husband after she is given in marriage.
Satan however, in his craftiness deceived Eve into entering into transgression by suggesting to her that if she would follow his advise (Satan's advise is the wisdom of this world) that they would be led into what would make them more “enlightened”, and be as “gods” in the world. Eve, thinking herself able to be a teacher and leader to Adam suggested to Adam that he follow her in what Satan had advised her to do. Adam allowed himself to be led by the woman. (even though he knew full well that what she had suggested was contrary to the command of the creator) Adam, who understood he was transgressing Yahweh's command was willing to do so because of his great desire for his wife.(this was the beginning of men following the lust of their flesh and the lust of their eyes, rather then their conscience before the Lord) Thus he plunged the whole human race into sin. So we see that from the very beginning of time Satan has tempted the woman to step out of her place as the follower and supporter of the male covering in her life to usurp his headship. This same struggle has existed in the human race from that time, right up to this present day. A woman, desiring to be in a place of headship seeks to usurp the place and the calling of the man, and the man wishing to not have to fulfill the responsibilities of headship is often very willing to surrender his headship to the woman. Thus corrupting God's order, and thus allowing great opportunity for Satan's devises to prosper, even as they did in the story of the first man and woman.
Therefore, it has been taught and practiced by godly and wise men from the beginning, even as it is communicated in the Scriptures in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 that beyond the covering of a woman's hair, a fabric covering ought to be worn by a woman as a symbol that represents her place as under the headship (authority) of a man, be that her father if she is a virgin, or her husband if she is a married woman. The Apostle Paul taught plainly that a woman's hair is a natural (God given) covering (symbol of her place), and ought not therefore to be cut like a man, but rather should remain long. This is her glory. This signifies that she is a woman, and as a woman under the authority, therefore the responsibility of a male person. But realizing the severity of the assault from Satan on the order of authority between the sexes the apostle urged and commanded that the practice of the wearing of a fabric covering also be fulfilled to complete the counter offensive against Satan's attack upon Divine Order.
So these things having been said, I can now say directly what value that the wearing of a head covering has for an honest heart. It has much value in that it speaks firstly to the one who is wearing the covering that she herself is pressing to be in her rightful place in the order of things. In a world filled with darkness and confusion, for a soul to be brought to the point where it will earnestly contend for the truth is very pleasing to God. Secondly, it says to all who see her that she is pressing, or at least making the show that she is pressing to be in her proper place in the order of things. This has very great value in that it serves to encourage those who take note of her actions to themselves fulfill their roles in respect to manhood and womanhood-to press into their proper place and calling. Here in is seen the exceeding gravity of the truth that each life has the potential to affect another life. The power of influence of one life to another, for either good or evil, can not be measured for its potential. It can be world changing in its affect upon others. Therefore, it behooves any and all of us to press into this truth, and into all truth at the Holy Spirit brings to us. For one day we will be judged for what we did with the “light” that He has brought to us. Whether we obeyed it, and put it on, and put it to work, or if we threw it to the side saying that Yahweh's truth is to much work, and has to great of a sacrifice associated with it.
The Third Major Question: What heavenly realities does the head covering speak of?
If one understands the reasoning used to answer question number two then this answer will come very easily. The creator made the man and the woman to represent heavenly things. The man was created to represent God Himself, the woman who was taken from the man became the very glory of the man, the “apple of his eye”, and she was created by God to be a representation of what is the very glory of His heart, the “apple of His eye”: the Church. Therefore, every law that God has every instituted pertaining to mankind has been crafted to direct the affairs of men and women so that in very action of their lives they do that which will (if they are obedient to God's laws) properly testify of heavenly realities. For the actions of the man must picture the person and actions of God Himself, particularly in Christ. The actions of the woman must picture the actions of the Church or the individual Believer. Any actions of either the man or the woman that do not accurately picture these heavenly realities that they were created to figure are slanderous, (un-truthful) testimonies of heavenly things, and are therefore displeasing to God. The more understanding that a person has concerning God's laws and yet refuses to obey them, the more that person's actions are hated of the Lord.
So what we find in modern America is that the humanistic thought patterns, that have sprung forth from man's wisdom (versus obedience to God's laws) have created a society that extremely discounts the practice of this wisdom. Therefore we have a very dysfunctional society that boasts a divorce rate of near 70% for first time marriages, that has “legally” murdered over 40 million babies, (abortion) that boasts of 1,000,000 pornography sites on the Internet, whose youth boast an 8 for 10 ratio of teen aged fornication. (what is called teen sex), where 50% of all our youth refuse to marry, but “cohabit ate”, etc, etc. These facts reflect that our generation has divorced the truth of God, and in so doing left the door wide open for Satan to have his way. It is that simple. It is no more complicated then that. Yes, we might boast that we are Christians, but Jesus said that “a tree will be known by its fruits”. And in the end, the real values of a person are known by what that person does or allows.
So Dear One, Dear godly woman, will you find the courage of faith to follow God and adorn yourself with a head covering (according to the mandate set forth in 1 Corinthians chapter 11) and make the statement that you will press to align your life with the reality of God's laws pertaining to Divine Order? You Brother, who claims the faith of Jesus Christ, will you show the courage of faith to rule your household, and teach, admonish, lead, and insist on the truth of God being fleshed out in regards to your life and family? This will cost you Brother. There is no doubt about it. To implement the truth of God in a pagan nation such as what America has become will not be without price. Do you love Him enough to pay this price?
The word America is repent! Turn to God from the wisdom of men. Flush the worthless and confused preachers and educators that teach for doctrine the wisdom of men. (man's misguided intelligence that refuses to acknowledge Yahweh and His laws) He made man as the highest of all his creation, to live in the honor of knowing Him and His ways, thus by their lifestyle reflecting His truth in the world. He did not create man to wallow in the mire of the immorality that springs forth from the wisdom of men. For the wisdom of men without the fear of God is at best foolishness.
A Watchman
Genesis 2:1-25, Genesis 3:16, 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16, 1 Timothy 2: 9-15, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Ephesians 5: 22-33, 1 Peter 3:1-7
1 comment:
A Vision of Submission and Love
I had been in search of what i then called the "church" for a number of years prior to my receiving the vision that i will now share with you. In that "search" i heard many preach and speak of the need for "husbands to love their wives".
Ephesians 5:25 was the prime reference for such preaching. "Husbands, love your wives, even as The Messiah also loved the ecclesia(church), and gave Himself for it."
"Love" is not a husband and wife sharing their natural affection for one another, which is referred to as "coming together again" in 1 Corinthians7:5.
And Eph 5:25 was preached and preached, again and again, and i wondered, "why is it that Ephesians 5:25 was recorded after and not before 5:22", and "why is it no one preaches a message concerning those verses just prior to Ephesians 5:25"?
Eph 5:22-25 "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Master(Lord). For the husband is the head of the wife, even as The Messiah is the Head of the ecclesia(church), and He is the saviour of the body. Therefore, as the ecclesia is subject unto The Messiah, so let the wives be subject unto their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as The Messiah also loved the ecclesia, and gave Himself for it".
Well the "why no one preaches concerning the verses just prior to Eph 5:25" was readily answered as i began to recognize the manipulative processes used by women who desired to dominate the men folk within their particular ecclesia. And yes, that domination began at the "home". However the question of verse order, "why verses 5:22-24 prior to verse 5:25?" was one thing i still could not comprehend.
And today i yet remain thankful to GOD that i could not comprehend the verse order because that caused me to cry unto HIM for understanding, and HE provided such understanding in a vision, a revelation!
In the vision there were two hands, a right hand and a left hand. And there was a person running about, to and fro in the left hand, and it was revealed the left hand was mine and that the one running about, to and fro, in the left hand was "I" in days that were thankfully long since gone. Days when "I" was "doing my own thing" seeking my own way, self-willed indeed and Truth.
And the right hand in the vision?
It was revealed that the right hand in the vision represented The Hand of GOD!
It was then revealed that in those times past, when i was seeking to "do my own thing", sadly, i did not know that GOD loved me. "I" did not know GOD. "I" was my 'god'.
Then by the Grace of GOD, the time came when HE revealed HIMSELF unto me.
And then HE led me to HIS Son, and HIS Son, The Messiah, led me back to the One i once knew as "GOD". However, the One i had known only as my "GOD", i now knew as "Our Father"! The GOD and Father of The Messiah was now Our GOD and Our Father!
All Thanks, Glory And Praise Be Unto "Our Father"!
Then it was revealed that when i submitted unto Our GOD, when i was delivered from my own hand, seeking my own will, and into HIS Hand, desiring HIS Will, it was at that moment i knew HE Loved me.
Yes, Our GOD and Father even Loved me when i was not submitted unto HIM, yet "I" could not experience, receive, or believe HE Loved me until "I" submitted unto HIM, HIS Will, HIS Way!
And then it was revealed that it is the same with a husband and wife.
When the wife submits, only then does she realize that her husband truly loves her. Oh, he loved her all the time, it's just that she could not believe, receive, or experience the love her husband had for her until she submitted unto him.
And so the simplicity of, and the need for, the "verse order" was revealed.
Apart from submission, Love can not be received, GOD to Messiah, Messiah to man and man to woman. Love is given, yet only in submission can Love be received.
Men and women are not the "same" and Thank GOD for the difference."Our Father" has HIS Order, "HE is The HEAD of The Messiah, The Messiah is the Head of the man, and man is the head of the woman".(ICor11:3) So why question"The ONE GOD, Father of ALL"? Apart from the Spirit of GOD, The Spirit of Truth, women rule over men, and as they seek and desire to dominate, they scream, "you don't love me, you don't love me"! For until a wife submits unto her husband she can not receive and experience the Love her husband was given, to give unto her.
Yet there is hope for such women, and the men that are dominated.
There is Hope that there would be those who "see"!
For Miracles do happen!
Hope is there will be those who experience The Miracle that is receiving "love of The Truth" for they will "see" that The Only True GOD is a GOD of Order not dis-order, and The Life is only realized by those who submit too, and abide in, HIS Order.
Father Help! and HE does.......
Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) and dis-order that is of this wicked world, for "the WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one"(1 John 5:19) indeed and Truth.......
Truth is never ending.......
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